Work Health & Safety

The ATEC Safety Management System
This policy recognises that Adelaide Training and Employment Centre (ATEC) is responsible for the work, health and safety of all workers, learners and general public in their workplaces. In fulfilling this responsibility, ATEC has a duty to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks to health. This commitment extends to ensuring that the organisation's operations do not place the any person at risk of injury or illness.
To meet the objectives of this policy, ATEC is committed to regular consultation with workers, learners and host employers to ensure that health and safety issues are regularly reviewed. Health and safety is most effective when everyone is included in identifying and solving problems.
ATEC is committed to continuously improving work health and safety (WHS) by identifying and addressing risk and hazards immediately.

What ATEC will do
ATEC recognises and respects its moral and legal responsibilities under WHS legislation to provide a safe and healthy work environment. This commitment means we will:
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace and working conditions for all, including workers, learners, contractors, stakeholders and visitors.
- Provide training and information to enable all workers and learners to work safely.
- Comply with all relevant legislation and industry standards.
- Provide support and assistance to workers, learners and host employers.
- Consult with workers, learners, host employers and contractors where relevant to enhance the effectiveness of procedures and processes.
- Provide adequate resources to aid workers and learners in fulfilling their responsibilities.
- Conduct thorough investigations into all reported incidents.
- Ensure that appropriate return to work programs are in place.
- Conduct regular reviews and evaluations of the health and safety systems in place.
What Workers, Learners, Host Employers and Visitors are expected to do
While at the workplace, all workers, learners, host employers and visitors irrespective of their position will:
- Take all reasonable care to ensure good health and safety practices are implemented and followed at all times.
- Report all unsafe work practices and incidents.
- Identify and support measures to eliminate or minimise unsafe conditions.
- Assume personal responsibility for their own safety and others.
- Always operate in a safe and appropriate manner.

Application of the WHS Policy
The ATEC WHS Policy (SUP-POL-004.1) provides a detailed overview of the objectives, strategies, roles and responsibilities for WHS across our business.
This policy is applicable to ATEC in all its operations and functions including those situations where personnel are required to work off site, giving due consideration to alternate PCBU possibly write PCBU in full form for this document site obligations and responsibilities.
ATEC is committed to continuously improving work health and safety (WHS) by identifying and addressing risk and hazards immediately, followed up by corrective actions and ongoing monitoring.