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GTO Reimbursement Program

About the program

As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Australian Government announced a Group Training Organisation (GTO) Reimbursement Program payment, intended to reimburse some or all of the cost of GTO services for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that host an Australian Apprentice training towards a qualification and occupation listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.

Who it is for

This program is designed for SMEs who have not directly engaged an Australian Apprentice or hosted an Australian Apprentice through a GTO arrangement within the last two years.

Get paid to be a host employer

Eligible businesses can receive $100 per week (up to $5,200 GST inclusive over 52 weeks) to reduce the cost of hiring an apprentice through a GTO. This applies to apprentices who:

- Are training in a priority qualification (including clean energy pathways)

- Start or restart their apprenticeship from 1 January 2025

Limited spots available – apply now

Only 400 places are available nationwide, and spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fill out your details below, to be contacted.

For more details, check the link below, or call 13 28 79 today.

Link: GTO Reimbursement Program Fact Sheet

GTO Reimbursement Program

GTO Reimbursement Program

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