Assisting Our Learners

ATEC is committed to supporting all our learners to achieve their full potential. Whether it be through flexible training modes, additional support or making life easy with streamlined processes - we are here to help.
Full-Time or Part-Time Training
ATEC is flexible in its ability to deliver training and can do so in various ways. Delivery can be full-time or part-time and can be catered in consultation with the learner and where relevant, their employer.
Continuous Enrolment
For learner convenience ATEC does not require learners to re-enrol each term, semester or year.
Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assistance
Where a need is identified, ATEC offers learners LLN Assessment in the context of their training course and where necessary, additional support will be negotiated with the learner and training staff e.g. individual tutoring or an external service provider.
All learners undertaking a pre-employment training course are required to complete the ATEC LLN assessment as part of the application process.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessments
ATEC's RPL Policy and processes ensure that RPL is an integrated component of its competency-based course delivery and assessment.
ATEC provides learners with RPL services that include an assessment of previous work experience and other informal learning for entry into, and/or partial completion of a qualification.

Individual Tutoring
Where identified by case managers, training and assessment staff or the learner, individual tutoring can be arranged and if necessary referral to professional services can be accessed.
Disability Support
All of ATEC's training sites across metropolitan Adelaide are accessible to learners with disabilities. Where appropriate ATEC can access support services to assist learners with disabilities. ATEC's contribution and commitment to the community has been recognised through receipt of a Disability Training Provider of the Year award.
Sourcing and Approving Enterprises for Work Placements
ATEC sources and approves enterprises for work placements in a number of ways e.g. advertising, industry and employer contacts, etc. All placements are approved on an individual basis to ensure compliance with regulatory and insurance requirements. Work placements are generally only provided for pre-employment training courses where work experience is a requirement of the training course.
Employment assistance
Whilst employment opportunities cannot be guaranteed, ATEC can offer employment assistance to suitable graduates through its network of industry and employer contacts, links with Group Training Organisations and Apprenticeship Centres, through ATEC Recruitment Solutions and its relationships with Job Services Australia (JSA) and Disability Employment Services (DES) agencies.
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