“Changing People's Lives”
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ATEC provides skills training, apprenticeship and recruitment services for businesses, existing workers, jobseekers, apprentices, school students and school leavers.


Train with ATEC

Our training covers a broad range of qualifications and courses across mechanical, fabrication, engineering production, general construction, electrical, first aid, and health and safety representative areas.



Are you interested in becoming trade qualified and kickstarting your career? ATEC Group Training can help you get started with an apprenticeship or traineeship today!


Host Employers

Our group training division provides a simple and flexible arrangement, with services that allow employers to take on apprentices without ongoing employment obligations.



ATEC Academy is the home of a growing range of in-demand short-courses, or micro-credentials as they are now known.

It provides a clear entry point for the community and industry to access our micro-credential programs and to develop new skills in areas of need.

ATEC Benefits

Expert specialised training

ATEC's mission is to excel in the delivery of quality vocational training and employment to apprentices, by harnessing our strong culture, values, business and technical expertise.

Why you should choose ATEC
Brandon Manzella and Sam
"I wouldn't have been able to be as successful in my apprenticeship as I have been without the support of ATEC."

Brandon Manzella - NECA Apprentice of the Year award - Industrial category

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If you'd like to know more about our courses click here, or if you would like help with which one is right for you, get in touch.

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Apprenticeship services, traineeships, industry-focused training, and recruitment services are brought to you by ATEC.

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